Saturday 5 February 2011

Reflective Statement- for Blog

Stage 1 Reflection

Rough Guide

I really enjoyed getting to know my assigned area. It was a great way to introduce ourselves to our classmates and to get settled within a small part of London. I re-visited the area a few times to make sure I had ticked off every suggested stopping point and recorded this with photographs and factual information about the retailers. If I was to do the overview again I would make more time for absorbing the culture for example soho is famous for afterhour entertainment that would have been interesting to document.

Winding and Wrapping work

I think this workshop was really benificial. I continued developing some samples after the day to help develop my weave and on occation knit work and example is shown below:

I maybe should have spent more time on my sketchbooks rarther then my wrappings.

Postcard Project

A creative piece of administration, not very benifical, but an enjoyable reminder that I have enrolled into an art collage not just a boring university. Could have been more information on freshers week.


The libary and computer inductions were benificial in order to set up accounts and systems within the network, however if they had been on the same day it would have saved traveling exspenses and time.


Overall I have enjoyed Blogging on blogspot and think I have come to terms with the blogging processes; it is a very user friendly tool to present design ideas and work for assessment. I think positively that I have presented my work clearly enough to be assessed with ease. The negatives of my blog is that visually and even mentally is is not attractive for any irrelevant onlookers, on my next blog I hope that I can develop the graphics to a higher standard and enter more of my own self induced posts.

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